Bomb track: Bon Jovi – Who Would You Die For

This new Bon Jovi song is one of my favorites on “Burning Bridges”, which is not your typical Bon Jovi album. There are several gems on this album, though it’s not a coherent masterpiece such as “These Days”. Other great picks from the album are “Blind Love”, “A Teardrop To The Sea” and “We Don’t Run”. Though not my favorite, I quite enjoy “Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning” as well. It’s the only song on this album that is co-written by Richie Sambora. His influence can be heard clearly, especially in the chorus. The track would fit nicely on “Have A Nice Day”. Almost every track on “Burning Bridges” includes some sort of “Ooooh” vocals, which gets kind of old after a few spins. This is a refreshing album, and has great moments, but it’s far from Bon Jovi’s best work.

Tour in Germany

Assisted by Radio Darkfire, Unzyme will head on tour in Germany in November 2015. The tour will begin in Berlin. Our plan is to visit Leipzig, Oberhausen and Magdeburg as well. Local bands will join us at the experiments. Right now we’re in talks with Second Version and Theatre of Masquerade. At the same time we will … Read more

Facebook advertising brought us fake likes and seriously diminished our reach

We advertised on Facebook a few years ago and got lots of likes. The sad thing is, too many of them are fake likes, and now they’re seriously crippling our reach to the real people who would actually be interested in what we do. So, instead of helping us, buying Facebook ads has made it a lot harder for us to reach even the audience that we used to have before the campaign. And now, to get the message through, we are asked to pay to boost the post. Having spent way too much money on Facebook advertising already, we refuse to pay more. If there was an easy way to delete all the fake likes, we would do it.

If you’re an artist who has done the same thing, spread the word and stop paying for Facebook ads. But if you do, it’s a good idea to check the organic matter percentage of your followers. Skynet might already be self-aware.

Third album production

We listened to some new Unzyme tracks with Lasse from Pihka ja myrsky. I also got a chance to hear many songs from their forthcoming album, and it sounds fucking amazing. Lasse will help us with the production of our third album, which will be released in 2016.

Song dissection: Excuses ran dry

This song was born in a rather unusual way. We wrote the song together with Ville, using a method that we call “combosing“. In combosing, a team of composers write music into a predefined song structure without hearing each other. Writers are given a song structure, and each section of the song is described in some … Read more

Live video recording on GoPro Hero cameras

We record every experiment on at least two GoPro cameras. The main purpose of this is to see how the performance actually looked like, and what could be done better. This is especially great in post mortem situations, when something has gone terribly wrong. It’s the black box of failed experiments. But it’s not just for … Read more

New 2015 Apple MacBooks are even worse for musicians than earlier models

In an earlier rant I talked about the current MacBooks being a bad choice for musicians. Now Apple has decided to make things even worse. They have decided to make it more portable, at a very fucking high cost of performance and connectivity. It will also suck to use these computers for any kind of … Read more

Unzyme to conduct an experiment at Think, Helsinki, Think!

Unzyme will conduct an experiment at the afterparty of Think, Helsinki, Think!, an awesome event about science, critical thinking and comedy. Great speeches by Reginald D. Hunter, Tara Shears, James Randi, Jamie MacDonald, Syksy Räsänen and Iiris Hovatta. The madness takes place at Woolshed, Töölönlahdenkatu 3 B 1, Helsinki, Finland on April 15th, 2015.

Override out now!

The biomechanical infiltration continues on Override, Unzyme’s second album. Inject yourself with some deep emotions soaked in synthetic sounds. Your synapses will never be the same. Override on Spotify Override on SoundCloud All songs will be released on YouTube as lyric videos as well. Relay and Step outside are there already.

Nexus 2 eLicenser dongle is the reason why we’re abandoning this wonderful software synth

Nexus 2 was one of our favorite synths. It was straightforward and sounded great. It’s a pity that we had to stop using it. The only reason for this is that we really can’t risk using a dongle while on the road. It breaks easily, and if it breaks, there’s no backup system. If we … Read more

Mobile vocal recording studio

Sometimes the production schedule is so tight that vocals need to be recorded on the road. My vocal recording equipment can be fitted in three briefcases and one laptop backpack. Can’t really walk around with all these devices, but they go nicely into the trunk of a car. My vocal recording setup Audio interface: Scarlett 2i2 … Read more

Step outside – PihkaSound Remix

PihkaSound did this wild 80’s influenced version of our song “Step outside”. It’s completely out of our style, which is nice! Have a listen to this fresh take on “Step outside”. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]