Experiment announcement: Lumous Festival XIV

Unzyme will perform at Lumous Festival (Tampere, Finland) on July 4th. We had planned not to do any more experiments before the release of Override, but because this was such an interesting offer, we decided to take it. Hope to see you in Tampere! Lumous Festival on Facebook Lumous Festival website

Relay to be released in a couple of weeks

We are 99% done with the first single from our forthcoming album, Override. The song is called Relay, and it will be released first on YouTube and SoundCloud, and later on Spotify. This time around we felt comfortable enough to mix the song ourselves. Ville Hoikkala has done the mixing at Unzyme Laboratories. However, the song will … Read more

Seven songs to record

Three out of ten songs have now been recorded, and more will be recorded on a frantic pace. The mixing process of our second album has already started. No release date has been set yet, but it should not be too far anymore.

Photograph by Leo Lembitov, StudioLeo @ deviantART

Open air festivals and the progress of the second album

While we’re busy working on our second album, Override, we are also negotiating with a couple of summer festivals about implementing Unzyme Experiments to their program. Two summer shows have already been announced, but there might be more. Our main goal, however, is to release the new album as quickly as possible. Our ambitions have … Read more

Site rebuilding

Our site was recently attacked by a hacker, and we’re now rebuilding the site. It will take some time. Please bear with us.

Ville infiltrates the British Underground Revolutionary Science Organization (B.U.R.S.O.)

Ville is planning to get inside the British Underground Revolutionary Sience Organization (B.U.R.S.O.) in February 2012 and will continue to get deeply involved in the community until May 2012. With skilled scheming and planning he has somehow managed to combine this extraordinarily brave and unsound mission with his university studies, and will receive academic credits … Read more

Unzyme.com 2.0

We have now updated the Unzyme Lair to meet modern age requirements. Thanks to our sponsor, the Unzyme Laboratories, everything looks a bit sleeker and sleazier.

Double gig arranged by a dog

The story begins in Helsinki. The whole Unzyme personnel were hanging out in the hotel lobby, preparing to play a show at Club Synapsi. Suddenly, a friendly dog appeared from nowhere, followed by his owner, a woman who identified herself as Paula Kontio. Paula asked us what we were doing in Helsinki. We told her … Read more