About to explode


I came to the forest to find peace
I came here alone
The pressure is rising and I think I’m about to explode

I feel like I’m running out of fuel
I feel all the damage
and if I can’t walk it off I will relapse to your grace

I gaze at a foggy mountaintop
I gaze at my future
The distance is calming and I think I am bound to explore

I savor the words before I speak
I savor the acid
My engine is screeching and I know it will burst on your face

I’m waiting for the valves to open
I’m waiting for the valves to open
and I’ll never be as dependent as I was on you
and I’ll never be as dependent again

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Song details

Key(s): A minor

Tempo: 90

ISRC Code: FI-UNZ-20-00006