Murderator – Ableton Live Glitch Effects Rack by Unzyme and Machine Interaction

Want to add some sparkling, rhythmical, dissolute and raging biomechanical glitch buzz effects to your tracks or live shows? If so, Murderator is for you! The original bleep sounds have been mined from a purposefully desecrated 80’s Hohner synthesizer. This glitch effect is perfect for experimental DJs, heavy electronic music and to impress your weird … Read more

Tech Sessions at the Unzyme Proving Ground

Ville injects some beat repeat effects to his biomechanical drum kit. Fabio appears in a cameo role. The system fails us once again. Daniel gets accustomed to the strange ways of the mixer and the anomalies of the MOTU sound card.

A new worm is born (via meiosis). The worm gets a new, lovely violet dress. A balance is found. Lighting system gets a new standard positioning, DMX fixtures are color tagged and their positions mapped. Songs get played.

Nexus 2 eLicenser dongle is the reason why we’re abandoning this wonderful software synth

Nexus 2 was one of our favorite synths. It was straightforward and sounded great. It’s a pity that we had to stop using it. The only reason for this is that we really can’t risk using a dongle while on the road. It breaks easily, and if it breaks, there’s no backup system. If we … Read more